How To Take Care OF A BABY BIRD
When it comes to taking care of a baby bird you should research first how to do that and the feeding process. What should you feed? What needs to keep them warm? These kinds of questions see most on social media. If you are a beginner you should raise a three-week-old baby bird because it is hard to take care of a newborn baby bird as a beginner.
In this article,
1. How to feed
2. What to feed
3. Health care
4. Stress care
How to feed the baby bird
You need a few things first
- A small syringe
- A rubber nozzle
- Hot water (a little hot not too hot)
- Baby food formula
First mix baby bird formula with hot water. not too much little amount of baby formula. Mix until it gets watery and thick. Get the syringe and suck it up not all of the food a little bit. End of the syringe line put the rubber nozzle (the rubber nozzle should be very soft ). When feeding is very careful with it. The little bird's mouth is very soft. Now slowly open the bird's beak and put some food inside the mouth. And wait to see how the bird is responding to it. now the bird should go crazy for more food and gently feed the bird until full. You can see the bird's stomach ( important; do not feed too much ) after the bird is full she will calmly lay in the cage. Feeding the bird 4 to 5 times a day for a newborn baby bird will
l need some extra careering.
What to feed
Some foods can feed your bird.
- Egg yolk
- Earthworms (tiny ones)
- Insects
- Baby bird formula (recommended)
Egg yolk will grate food source for the baby birds. You can feed egg yolk mixed with water or just normally feed small peace. Earthworms can be found in your backyard. It is also nutrient food for birds. Most wild baby birds eat this. When comes to insects you can’t feed all insects you can feed small size insects. The baby formula can find in any ware pet shops, online shops, markets, and grocery stores. among all of this food, I recommend feeding with baby bird formula.
Health care
Keep the bird always warm and don’t stress the bird. Bird is little need to sleep always. How to know the bird is well So he will sleep peacefully and after he will cry for food and you should be prepared. Do not forget to feed your bird. And clean his butt because he will poop a lot.
Stress care
Don’t handle baby every time. So the environment should be very quiet. Do not make any loud noises. Put her into a warm and dark place to sleep. ( keep your eye on them because they can fall )
That’s it this article will help you how to handle a bird. Budgies, parrots
I don’t have any images of baby birds because all of my birds are now full grown.